April 20, 2011
This will remain as a memory .
biibuu ♥
April 18, 2011
前度 ex
I don't really know what this movie is about initially and just downloaded it randomly and just because I'm a lil bored, I browse through my external drive and picked a movie randomly and started to watch . It's a 90mins movie , talking bout 2 person that used to be a couple , broke up and got back together and broke up again but spark is still within them. A lil confusing but still , a nice movie. Should watch :)
biibuu ♥
April 08, 2011
I passed my law test !
I find this a lil unbelievable. I’ve never imagine that I’ve passed my freaking law test. Initially, when the lecturer is distributing the test papers back to us, I saw the score of a course mate who used to attend class scored only 33.5%, I said to myself, mine confirm gg so I was pretty nervous when my name was called. I dare not even turn to the page to where the score is written but still, I’ve to face the reality. When I turned, I saw 47% ! Geez, okay, It’s not a very good score but the point is, it’s way better than I expected and I got additional 5% for some points so the total should be 52% . Overall, I’m at the average stage. Thank god.
* fingers crossed for my finals babehhh *
biibuu ♥
April 06, 2011
Wounded knees are better than broken hearts
When we were kids, we were eager to grow up to do anything we want but now we've grown up and we wish we were kids to do whatever we wanna do without bothering how people will see us and choose not to do whatever we don't wanna do !
Need not think about our horizontal and vertical expansion of responsibilities - attending classes , rushing assignments , sitting for exams , going through internships , looking for new jobs , worried bout unemployment , anxious with financial problems , fall in love , and got heartbroken ... and we've now grown up we have realizing that wounded knees heals faster than broken hearts.
biibuu ♥
April 01, 2011
McD Breakfast
Another day for Mcd .. and it's definitely the very last day for McD to give out free breakfast(s) .
Wondering how does the marketing team comes up with this plan , and why does the freaking " atas " people approved his proposal but somehow it benefits the consumer ... wonder how much they loss :/
Anyway , this season is over . Time for slumber , no more staying awake to wait for breakfast and and and a hiatus for McD breakfast now , I'm sorta sick of it actually .
biibuu ♥
March 31, 2011

This photo is taken at 5.41 in the MORNING !
Look at my tired face and eyebags . WOW ! I've not been sleeping for nights but at wee hours ... what a life !
After the promo of FREE-2-SETS-OF-BREAKFAST-WITH-PURCHASE-OF-RM5 , guess I'll really need some sleepful nights. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle is damn fcking damaging my health and it eventually delayed my menstrual periods ! hmmmm :/
Good days AHEAD !
biibuu ♥
March 29, 2011
My apple pie o(^____^)o
Date : 24th of March 2011
Fact : I'm officially the owner of this apple !
Held : Take freaking good care of it or else , consequences are under my own responsibility !
Felt just too excited to own this lil Apple ! Although I'm still not very familiar with this pie but I'm learning !
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. Told ya I'm one lucky bitch :)
biibuu ♥
March 24, 2011
100 facts about me !
1. I’m a girl
2. I’m born on 28th of October 1988
3. I love RED
4. I’m a business student of INTI International University
5. I’m a Malaysian
6. My hometown is Seremban
7. My favourite food is wantan noodles
8. My favourite drink is Yakult
9. I love bananas
10. I’m talkative but only to the closer friends
11. I heart shopping
12. I love shopping alone sometimes and I don’t find it pathetic at all
13. I usually spend a lot on homies
14. Music is one of the essential stuff in my life
15. I’m sluggish most of the time
16. Call me the procrastinate queen
17. But I can easily become a workaholics , and ignoring everything
18. My words stings but I’m just being honest
19. I’ve little tolerance for stupidity
20. I like challenges
21. I love my girlfriends more than my lover
22. I’ve more guy friends than girl friends
23. I love being with the Social board members
24. I’m a very straight forward person
25. I don’t like talking to fake people because talking to them make me fake too
26. I enjoy girls’ talk with my girlfriends
27. Don’t ever tell me what to do if I don’t like you , because I’ll most likely do the opposite
28. I’m not impressed with guys who drive sports car
29. I’m stubborn. Once I’ve made up my mind, you can’t really change me
30. Lie to me and I’ll look down on you
31. If I’m emo, I would prefer to be alone
32. I don’t get hurt easily but if I really do , I’m really fcking hurt
33. I can be good with you , but if you do something that I dislike, sorry and bye
34. I can be an extremely good friend or a formidable enemy. Choose wisely
35. I observe people
36. I love reading their mind but I don’t like them reading mine
37. Treat me good and I’ll treat you better but if you treat me bad, I’ll treat you worst
38. Don’t underestimate what I might know
39. When I’m quiet, I’m just sitting , watching and thinking.
40. I don’t like being bothered with questions because if you do, I’ll ignore you
41. I’m trustworthy (:
42. When I love someone, I really love
43. My current crush is from my campus
44. I need someone who can motivates me
45. My family always comes first
46. I won’t stick around if I’m not interested
47. When I’m really angry, I’ll throw stuffs around me
48. I’m independent
49. You’ll never wish to see me mad
50. I think people who are superficial are assholes
51. Sometimes , I don’t talk to lots of people because they won’t understand what I’m trying to say
52. Looks and money doesn’t really impress me.
53. I call a man sexy if he’s confident and knowledgeable
54. Some people think I’m mean but I’m quite nice at times
55. I’m demanding but at least I know what I want
56. My mood swings
57. I don’t really like to waste time flirting
58. I can fall in love with a guy with girlfriend but will choose not to ruin them
59. I believes what comes around , goes around
60. I’m mysterious ( according to my horoscope ) :p
61. I’ve good memories
62. I do good in memorizing birthdays
63. I do good in suspecting some wrongdoings too
64. If I don’t care bout you anymore , it means you’ve lost me :p
65. I’m good at pushing people to do things
66. I’ve lusty thoughts
67. Never take advantage from me, I can take back
68. I may be bitchy but doesn’t mean I’m slutty
69. I don’t need to prove who I am to anyone
70. I don’t force myself to impress someone
71. I love justice
72. I always voiced out my dissatisfaction
73. I’m impatient
74. I don’t like to wait
75. I’m daring
76. I love sex with my boyfriend
77. To me, it’s either all or nothing
78. I don’t really trust everybody
79. I can forgive but not forget
80. When I’m talking to you , pay attention or leave me alone
81. I’m a great multitasker
82. I love to take care of people
83. I am irritable. Don't irritate me
84. I’m difficult to predict at times
85. Loves investigating
86. I do critics
87. I’m bias
88. I think a lot
89. If you betray me , I’ll turn away and leave
90. Sometimes , I discover something that is unknown by the rest
91. I smoke - socially
92. I love parties
93. Dream vacation : Maldives
94. Don’t like to be provoked
95. I can be very nasty if I am
96. Can be pretty mixed up sometimes
97. I have a tight circle of friends. You're either with me or against me
98. I love to cook and bake
99. I love DOMOKUN
100.I’m possessive because I care
biibuu ♥
March 21, 2011
I may be a lil bit boyish
Although I'm a lil boyish, in fact , I'm still a girl .
And although I'm just a girl , but I think I'm strong enough to give you protection -
at least to your heart ;)
biibuu ♥
March 14, 2011
O'Nite is over ..
One chaos down and I don't need to handle any stuff regarding the event anymore ... has been very stressful because of it and thank god , it's over.
It's really time for me to focus on my studies. It's been almost a week since the event ended , but just because of catching up with the syllabus that I've missed , I'm even more exhausted.
Anyway , I shall ditch my unhealthy lifestyle asap
* fingers crossed * Days will be better soon .
biibuu ♥
March 02, 2011
Call me one lucky bitch !
We've talked so much but I swear I did not make any single request or hints for pressies but this particular someone claims that it is for me to release tension. It was pretty astonishing but thanks neway :)
biibuu ♥
February 22, 2011
Unfortunately ...
I hardly communicate with my new housemate, and sometimes I choose just to walk past without saying a word. I know it’s impolite but what should I say? I can’t talk , I can only crap :p
Time flies. It’s already my week …. ( okay , I’m not aware of the uni weeks also . damn! ) After 9th of March , I promise , I should really put my ass on the chair in front of the study table and do revision.
biibuu ♥
February 08, 2011
Where am I ?
After that semester, I moved to Desa Palma and that’s my second “second home” which I’m still staying till now. I love being tidy, and I clean my room like every 2 – 3 days. Still remember the second week, when I was supposed to go to hang out with friends at Alamanda but end up hitting the club, with just singlet, shorts and sandals but it was a fun night as well. Weeks after, I joined the DAC club and at the gathering night, I met a special someone who became my boyfriend within a month. Whose love stories are not sweet initially? We spent most of our days and nights together. Being in love, kiss , hugs , intimacies, arguments , get jealous over lil things, chatted for hours when we’re about to sleep. Love just has it ups and downs. Unfortunately, our love is not strong enough and it leads to break up a year after. Betrayals are painful, but he’s forgiven because of love but things did not go well. Things become complicated and torture both of us. That’s when I grew up. Thanks to him.
But sometimes, I’m just being too stubborn. Determinations aren’t strong enough, end up hurting my own feelings. Anyhow, I’m still an optimist, knew myself can get over the pain in awhile. I trust myself. Whatever that I miss about is him is just because I used to love him a lot and for whatever that we’ve done in the past. Those memories are somehow beautiful and ignore the ugly ppart.
After he left, I joined Social Board. I get to know even more friends. Most of them are younger than I do, but they’re just too jovial and keep me distracted from being sad for him leaving. We work together as a team and do the best for O’Nite and go crazy and get high in clubs.
I used to hate alcohol and fags but they’ve become part of my obsession now. I don’t blame others for what I am today but they’ve become one of the socialize tools but it doesn’t mean that I’m using them to impress someone to get me fit in their group but it’s just better. I’ve tried to drink lesser so that I can smoke lesser but there’s always temptation. I’m just giving my excuses perhaps but if there’s ever another special someone who walk into my life and wanted me to give up fagging, I will for his sake :p
I’m still looking for the old me, back in September 2008. Where am I ?
biibuu ♥
February 02, 2011
It's Chinese New Year Eve :)
Guess what , I don't even realize that today is CNY eve until mum reminds me yesterday . Every family will be busy doing spring cleaning which I hate the most because of my sensitive nose ! It'll start sneezing within half an hour of cleaning and tortures me the rest of the day and because of this, I can't be bothered to remember when CNY falls .
That was crap :p It's because of the ambiance. As years gone by, CNY has become one of the normal days or another weekends perhaps ? In those days, everyone will be going back early to gather and help with house chores but now ? They'll be only back on CNY eve, leaving the folks to clean the house waiting for them to come back , the worst of all , they only come back after CNY . I even have friends who's working on the first two days of CNY . How pathetic .
What I care bout the most of CNY is gatherings. No matter it's with friends or family, I still love them. I just love being around with someone I know , can talk to and of course can bull with. I'm looking forward for all this by tonight :)
biibuu ♥
January 30, 2011
New Year Resolution ? FAILED !
I’m absolutely a VAINPOT, no efforts put so I failed totally! hahahaha
I’ve mentioned the first failure in the previous post and now the second one in this post. After months being Singapore, besides gaining experience and enjoyment, another thing that I’ve gained is weight. Resolution was to lose them and get my figure back but somehow, I ddddiiiiiiiiiidddddddddd NOT do anything bout it. I spent no time exercising besides hiking for the camp that I’ve attended last week. I tried eating lesser and even skip my dinner, it works a lil because I see a lil bit of reduction BUT … ( hahaha , BUTS are despicable ) one night of alcohol ruins all !
Blame myself for the new obsession now. Beer doesn’t taste any better but I enjoyed drinking. Weird huh? However, I don’t blame myself for all … ! When you have a bunch of cuckoo friends, you’re busted. What they do ? Pay for your drinks and you drink as much as you can, and these rich fellas, just get pleasure from seeing people drunk. wth. The worst, they bring you to makan, you’re allowed to order whatever you wanna eat but in one condition, you’ve to finish it, INCLUDING THOSE THAT THEY ORDER. This is WTF. Luckily, it’s only for once in awhile not always or else, I’ll die of stuffing !
New Year Resolutions are now postponed to Chinese New Year Resolutions. I can stll fit in all my S size top so I just need to lose a lil more, just a lil more can do. I can do it (hopefully...) ! (:
biibuu ♥
January 18, 2011
New Sem :)
I really tried being positive so lecturers, please be good and I’ll be the same to you.
* fingers crossed *
biibuu ♥
January 13, 2011
There's a saying
Then what if that person makes you better but he got worst ?
And what if that person makes you a better person but he has to leave ?
Or what if that potential someone will be the one who makes you better but he's never with you ?
What hurts the most ?
biibuu ♥
January 08, 2011
Can't wait to go back to the campus !
I wanna go back to have fun with the SBs , I miss parties and all the craps there and hopefully they'll make me think of nothing besides O'Nite and my studies .
* fingers crossed *
biibuu ♥
December 25, 2010
Has been a spendthrift lately, should really ditch off the bad habit of mine as a shopaholic and concentrate on my studies or else, I’ll always be poor and still have some debts to settle :S
Here comes the end of internship, just a week to go and I'm back to the life as a student. Feel a lil reluctant to leave NC but i have to. I knew I'll be missing Tiff, Cheryl, Russell and Gilda a lot :'( We’ve not been together for a long time but we do spend lots of time together, crapping, laughing out loud, gossiping. Oh shit , I’m missing their company already :’( so the deal was , I’ll be back to Singapore whenever I’ve breaks ! Still in a dilemma whether to go back on before 3rd or after just to meet Gilda before I leave.
However, wish 2011 will be better !
biibuu ♥