April 08, 2011

I passed my law test !


LAW, originally uploaded by lollipops_love.

I find this a lil unbelievable. I’ve never imagine that I’ve passed my freaking law test. Initially, when the lecturer is distributing the test papers back to us, I saw the score of a course mate who used to attend class scored only 33.5%, I said to myself, mine confirm gg so I was pretty nervous when my name was called. I dare not even turn to the page to where the score is written but still, I’ve to face the reality. When I turned, I saw 47% ! Geez, okay, It’s not a very good score but the point is, it’s way better than I expected and I got additional 5% for some points so the total should be 52% . Overall, I’m at the average stage. Thank god.

* fingers crossed for my finals babehhh *

biibuu ♥

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