Yahhh . it was Twilight
and this is my fav quote from this movie ,
" About three things I was absolutely positive:
* First, Edward was a vampire.
* Second, there was a part of him — and I didn't know how dominant that part might be — that thirsted for my blood.
* And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. " (Isabella Swan)
Allen said it was not a nice movie and ask us to switch to " The Beast Stalker " .
Luckily i ignored him :P . Twilight is an awesome movie . I'm addicted and would like to watch it again . The starring actor , Robert Pattinson is macho and his bro in the movie ... Jasper is cuter ! :P
I was too obsessed with the movie until , i dropped my popcorn and the worst thingy was , i lost my parking ticket :P . Luckily , we met a kind guard . He walkie-talkie-ed the person in charge of the exit and let us go . Yayyyyy . We got free parking . LOL ! ( not - funeyyyyy )
biibuu ♥
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