Is this hilarious , isn't it ?
Tony called for a drink and i met him up as he said he wanna bring to makan so we left Petaling Street and went to somewhere else but it was sooooo jam and i predicted that mummy will call before we had our meal . As soon as we found our parking , the " YESTERDAY " song played . It was mummy ! Tony and i stared at each other for seconds and we knew what i predicted was right so in the end , he just end up be my 8-minutes-kuli , said hi-bye to my mum and i left him . ( Felt so sorry to fan xu zai , promised to had a proper meal with him the next time i'm in KL . )
After leaving Petaling Street , i thought we suppose to go back to Seremban but mummy said she still wanna shop and don't know for what reason ... we find ourselves heading to Times Square since it's a well known place to get some cheap stuffs . hehe . i don't get to see any clothes though since MNG and G2000 were closed down so i just manage to get some inner beauty for myself and I saw this at Metrojaya

LOLLIPOPS ! i love the bag but i'm broke but somehow i'll get one for myself someday later .
It's time to leave ... on the way to get our car , i saw something that really amused me !

xMas is coming ... lalalala ~ time to get something for myself :D !
biibuu ♥
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