December 09, 2008

7th Dec o8 - Twilight AGAIN !

was napping halfway and don't know for what reason , i pop up , got changed and followed mum to s2 . i went to jusco again and headed to popular while waiting for girlfriend to finish her movie . I was looking for the novel but i don't see it in popular . too badddddddd :( .

as soon as girlfriend finished her movie , she came and look for me and then we went to oldtown for yc awhile and walked with her until her sis come and fetch her for dinner .

mum said she'll come over to jusco as soon as she finished her facial so i waited for her at popular again and i almost finished the whole CLEO magazine when i was there , hoping that it'll inspire me for what i should buy for Nikki . * sigh * i found nothing .

as soon as i met mum, babe called and she's joining me too and then we went to the nyonya restaurant at t2 again for dinner and one more again ... we went to MBO for another " Twilight " session . LOL . she's crazy and i'm crazy-ing with her ! WTH .

just because we've watched it so we don't find anything special with the movie but we just watched it , not like some " ah beng " said out loud " what is it about ? how come i don't understand ? " . in my perception , you don't understand is because ... ehem ... you don't understand english lohhh !

biibuu ♥

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