June 13, 2010

I apology

i realized i've changed. i do not hope this to happens but i started to despise.

i do not wanna be that bias but please don't try to put the educated and non-educated together. i don't mean couples, but it's the point of view and things they do including things they know. they're different.

i don't like to be compared with the non-educated. besides having the same gender and age, we're still different because everyone is born unique. i will respect you not with the wealth you have but for the knowledge you have and only listen to the rights.

i had this kind of feelings when something really bad happens to me and it grows fonder each day. can you see the changes in me? judge me. i'll still live my way and you can even hate me for that, because that's me, i ain't gonna change for you but would be glad if you stay further.

biibuu ♥

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