I started to feel terribly miserable , confused with what i want and also confused with what i've saw . I don't know who to believe and what to believe. Talk about love, trust is one of the most important element to make the relationship long lasting and in other words, it will end if neither of them trust each other or maybe only one of them do.
I'm actually trying my best way out to look for the absolute solutions to reduce my curiosity to whatever happens in the past and tried to look further to the future but i find myself clicking at the wrong link to see things i ain't suppose to see and somewhow, it does turn my mood down. WTH .. !
Things tend to happens in many ways but consequences only comes in both ways either positive or negative. Shall we just look at the positive one and ignore the negative one ? I'm very optimistic in actual but i do see things in both way but sometimes , i think i'm not as optimistic as me myself think i am ! OMFG .. am i ? i even started to feel that i'm forgetting what's my personality and how i used to think ... I want myself back desperately . I hope i will be less doubtful and always remember " Don't worry , Be happy " .
biibuu ♥