June 22, 2009

22nd June o9

Wanted to trust but still doubting so i still choose to clarify if things did happen. In the end, what i got was 2 different things. Although for some people, this two different things don't really mean anything but somehow why there are two different versions ? Did i actually suspect too much ? Hopefully, I do but somehow things is not that right.

I remember mentioning trust is an important element in my previous blog. Yes, it's definitely yes. No doubt at all but did most of them practice it? They did as well but it differs in terms of percentages - in other word, how much do they trust .

I realize Ric was so right. Never control or maybe over control your lovers. They're just your lover and they might not be your future wife or husband so why do so ? Ain't i being so silly to control him as i knew he actually don't like to being control and in the end, if i caught him doing things that i actually dislike and in the end who's the one who got hurt ? Answer : ownself.

I always do things in a way that is not that matured because i don't think logically. I've tried before but in the end, I've all sorts of nonsense in my mind. To be frank, I'm always stubborn but i will try to be optimistic with whatever he like to do and never control . All the while, he doesn't really belongs to me. He belongs to himself

biibuu ♥

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